Tuesday, July 30, 2013

You want some Drama?

Crazier things have happened. You want to know what I'm about? You think you could do what I do? Walk an inch in my shoes? First of all, you really don't care what I'm all about. We can be real. You're just curious to know what is it about you that I feel. You surely couldn't play my role or do what I do and that's ok because my life has nothing to do with you. We share the same planet, we share the same moon but we could never share the same shoes. So yes if the shoe fits, wear it but please walk with your own convictions. I am obligated to do nothing more but to watch and listen. We all play our different positions and have our own personal admissions. We all go through hard times and get our feelings hurt sometimes. On top of that, why would anyone ever try to create more problems? You want some Drama? Well. Hmm. Ok. Let's delve into some shit I have to say. First off if you don't personally know my name, never met me in real life, then I really have nothing to say to you or about your life so you should try keeping your nose out of mine. Though if the temptation should be too strong then go ahead and keep your nose on. I can admit that I still look but the only thing I can say about any of yous is... Nothing! You're all still doing the same exact thing. Nothing. Hahaha. Damn, now if that doesn't make you feel lame then maybe this will. I know more about you than I could ever care to. I know things I wish I didn't. I've been told so much bullshit I could swim in it. I don't know why or how I find so many things out but it seems to follow and track me down. The things you know about me no one even cares about so go ahead and shout em out from your roof. You'll never be able to sift through all of those dirty lies to uncover the real truth. My life is nowhere near perfect but I'm ok with that because I know I try hard to be better every day. Can you say the same for yourself? Do you know who really has your back? If the shit hit the fan do you know where you stand? When drama hits you in your face will you be quick enough to move out of the way? In my own experience I can tell you it's like running a race. So keep up pace because I move pretty fast. The shit you hear tomorrow is the same shit I left in the past. You want some Drama? Find another show because this script turned from hot to cold. I changed the channel from a tear filled chick flick to a stand up comedy show. If Drama is what you crave, I will have to let you starve. If a frown is what you wear then make sure you wear it proud. There is NO more Drama here so get the hell out! 

"Hurt people, hurt people." My wounds have been healed. If tears are what you're looking for, you won't find them here. 


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