Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dear Babe,

Hey Babe. 

I hope and pray this letter finds you safe. I've waited so long to write to you now that I have so many things to say. I could most definitely write for days but I won't make this one too long, just wanted to say hey. So how is it going on your end? Are things still the same? The other day I was rolling around and our song came on so I turned the volume all the way up and was jammin out to our Love. I can't wait to give you a big ol hug. I can awready imagine you in the driver seat of our brand new ride. Taking road trips to the ends of time. Soon enough the sun will be shining on your handsome face and you'll use my beautiful soft face as your only shade while we kiss gently underneath the over sized blue Texas sky. Can you see now how you've got my head stuck up in the clouds? I can't seem to find my way back down so I guess we can just stay here in the clouds forever enjoying this cloudy weather, together. I miss hearing the sound of your voice. I miss you so damn much I don't even have a choice. I know this won't last forever so as long as time is still ticking we'll stick it out together. I'm yours, you can claim me as your own. I've been wondering if I'd ever find anyone strong enough to weather my powerful Love and I thank the good Lord above that he brought me to you. I have so much work to do and the time is dwindling down by the steady heartbeat. As long as our hearts beat the time will keep on ticking and soon enough we'll be face to face speaking, looking into the others' eyes pausing time. You have my heart with you and I'm nothing without your love. The passion in your determination towards tomorrow is stronger than the passion I feel from your love. You make the impossible seem doable and you leave me feeling stronger than the day before. I don't understand how any of this is even possible but when I hear from you I remember the Love we share is true. It's the only thing I can believe in anymore, your love gives me purpose in this World, your faith in me keeps me strong, your yearning for me keeps me warm, your photos reassure me that you're there and your letters are a constant reminder for me that soon you'll be here. I have no more worries about anything with you by my side and our future always on my mind. I'm going to close for now but you should know I'm there with you no matter how hard the day hits or how cold the night gets. You got my heart to keep you alive, it's beating away the time. Hold on to it tight and in the meantime I'll hold yours with all my mite. I love you Baby. Until the day you become mine. 

Always and forever, 


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