Friday, September 26, 2014

Am I wrong Nico & Vinz

Am I Wrong"

Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay?
 Am I wrong for saying that I choose another way?
 I ain't tryna do what everybody else doing
 Just cause everybody doing what they all do
 If one thing I know, I'll fall but I'll grow
 I'm walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home
 So am I wrong
 For thinking that we could be something for real?
 Now am I wrong
 For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
 But that's just how I feel,
 That's just how I feel
 That's just how I feel
 Trying to reach the things that I can't see
 Am I tripping for having a vision?
 My prediction: I'mma be on the top of the world
 Walk your walk and don't look back, always do what you decide
 Don't let them control your life, that's just how I feel
 Fight for yours and don't let go, don't let them compare you, no
 Don't worry, you're not alone, that's just how we feel
 Am I wrong (am I wrong)
 For thinking that we could be something for real?
 (oh yeah yeah yeah oh)
 Now am I wrong (am I wrong)
 For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
 (oh yeah yeah yeah yeah)
 But that's just how I feel,
 That's just how I feel
 That's just how I feel
 Trying to reach the things that I can't see
 If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
 I don't wanna be right, right
 If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
 I don't wanna be right
 Am I wrong
 For thinking that we could be something for real?
 Now am I wrong
 For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
 But that's just how I feel,
 That's just how I feel
 That's just how I feel
 Trying to reach the things that I can't see
 So am I wrong (am I wrong)
 For thinking that we could be something for real?
 (oh yeah yeah yeah oh)
 Now am I wrong (am I wrong)
 For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
 (oh yeah yeah yeah yeah)
 But that's just how I feel,
 That's just how I feel
 That's just how I feel
 Trying to reach the things that I can't see

RIP Monetary Freedom

I can't breathe holding my breath for you. I'm over worked waiting for you. I'm under paid. Not getting laid. Can't get a head. No head. No shame. No proper source to blame. Shit didn't work out. Nothing was ever spoken aloud. Upside down frowns. Clowns. Drowning in your own sorrow. No thanks for another tomorrow. Drowning in a sea of despair. No fresh air. No care. No motive. No goal. No other end of the tunnel. Just sliding down this slippery ass funnel. As funny as it sounds. You said, I won't let you drown. Now I'm six feet underground. Now you want to talk about concerns. Now you want the right to your turn. Now you might be feelin the burn. All the while my ashes have been in the urn. You're over worked. Under paid. Not getting ahead. Can't wash the dirt from your hands. You bleed for your right to earn a life. You yearn for the life you wish you had. A life you have yet to realize you've always had. You passed it by. You never stopped to look up. You can't praise yourself anymore. No more cleaning out junk drawers. The time has come and passed. There is no looking back. There is no second chance. There is no warm embrace, one last glance. No last dance. All of the walls are caving. Time is a wasting. All options are the end. Every choice is a whim. Shark infested water at your feet, take a swim. Life bites hard. Will you bite back? Do you boast the will to fight back? Fight or flight? Are you about to attack? It feels a lot like combat. Tit for Tat. No regards for another way. No appreciation for another day. There is no way. You have no say. No place. No common ground. No room for compromise. No end to a war. There have been no useful ideas to a resolution. No exquisite solutions. We still haven't talked it out. Never flattened out the wrinkles. No time committed to working all the kinks out. So please don't come at me with your supposed deserved pity. Don't ask me for a single thing. I won't tolerate you any longer with your proposed allowances and pent up anger. There is no entitlement here. Responsibility can be an ownership or a fear. It's clear we choose our own routes. I'll always have my doubts about the future. I don't know what it is you have to tell me but I know it won't be healthy. I have this pit inside of my stomach, its hard to swallow. My hands are clammy, my breath is shallow. My heart feels like its beating slower. I can't withstand very much more pressure. My body is sore. My mind is fried. Without my faith I wouldn't be alive. I wouldn't survive a beating like this. I simply couldn't handle any of it. This ride has spun way out of control. I'm losing my grip. I don't know whether to let go or keep hold. I'm worn out from making so many choices. I'm sleepy. Beginning to lose focus. I'm wide open. I just know I'm at the edge of defeat. Like hanging over the side of a volcano, feeling that rush of heat. Its way too much to bear. I can't hold this empire up forever on my own. I can't keep catching stones. You will never see the other side of things. You're stuck on the high road with your head in the clouds and can't get back down to reality. Responsibility. Priority. Seniority. Accountability. All you focus on is your pain, your gain and your functionality. It will be hard for you to ever understand because you can't see from where you stand. You don't have anything figured out. You've never had a plan mapped out. You don't know how to compartmentalize. You have no idea how to get to where you want to be. You can't see how your decisions affect anybody. I am not looking forward to anything you have to say. I won't change the way I feel and I won't change the way I think. If ever there were a debt unpaid, the account would be under your name. The amount will forever remain unpaid. The interest will never wane. The balance will always be negative. Negativity is where you live. No way to breathe. No where to run. No outlet. No fun. Frigid waters at your feet, dive in head first, take a swim. I've heard there are treasures at the bottom of the sea. My mind is racing with possibilities. One way or another I'll be paid for all of my troubles. I will have justice for my struggles. I will be recognized for my efforts. My obstacles will be overcome. My empire will have been won. I will again be in control. I will not surrender my soul. With my faith I am made whole. I can't get myself out this hole alone and I won't let you push me back down anymore. I'm sure of what I'm fighting for. I know how to get to where I want to be. I have my goals clearly set in front of me. I won't go down without a fight. I won't back down from what I believe. I won't let you wrong my right. I won't let you taint my truth. I won't let you darken my light. I am finished with giving you anymore slack. I'm over holding my breath for things to change but my blue skin has reminded me how to breathe again. I am alive in him. I invite you to board the ship.    

Monday, September 1, 2014

Cool, Calm and Collected

I believe that if you have something to say you should just say it. Why delay it? Why keep your feelings all bottled up, why not just spray it? Why save them for later? Why leave it for another day? Feelings have many forms like water. If you drop them on the hot concrete they'll evaporate and travel back up into the atmosphere. If you leave them in the freezer they'll turn into a hard block of ice. If you leave the faucet running they will overflow and flood your life. The point is that feelings will change after a matter of time. Nothing ever stays the same with space and time. You might go through something that makes you mad but the next day it may get better. Maybe today someone said something that made you sad but tomorrow you'll hear something that makes it better. Every second of everyday is a new opportunity to feel a new way. We have the power to control our feelings and emotions but sometimes we don't always take the proper time to develop the proper potions. Instead we let our feelings stir our hearts and our whites get mixed with the dark. We are under too much pressure to make the right choices. It's not every day you come across the answers laid out for you. Each day we should start a new. Regenerate, refresh, renew. We are given the power to rewrite mistakes we've made and redirect our feelings away from negative things we been through. If in your mind you have things to say you should let them out. Let them spill from your head like water from behind a dam. Don't bottle up and prepackage what you're feeling for another day. Open the valve and let it come pouring out. If you have something to say just say it. 

Love on Lock

She grits her teeth to bear the pain. It never dulls, never ends. The struggle is real for them every day. After long, attempts to entertain become dull; mundane. Staring in the face of Father time makes them both feel small. He is in the dark behind the wall. She is unaware of his struggles and he of hers though they both give their all. She tries coming up with new ways to help him see that he is hers and she is his. Can their faith travel the distance? Can their love survive prison? What other words can be used to describe the love that hides between the lines? What will they do when efforts no longer prove the love they feel is true? She can't convince him with her eyes. He can't convince her with his smile. She is left with no other choice but to use her words without actually using her voice. He is left without knowing what another day brings. With his time winding down fast she doesn't have much left to say. With his love locked down she doesn't have any other way. They have no face to face, no secure embrace, no lip to cheek, no way to speak. All of his doubts manifest from thin air and when he starts doubting her she begins not to care. It's a back and forth she is ready to quit, a scratch she can't quite itch, an unhealthy habit she is ready to ditch. Though he offers her reassurance and support she thinks he doesn't fully comprehend that for her he is it. She is constantly questioning if he will ever fully get it. She doesn't feel like he is all the way committed. Building a relationship out of words is like building a castle on a cloud. The concept seems so perfect now but how will it all play out? How far are they willing to go for the other? How many miles will they traverse? How many minutes will they sacrifice? What happens once the gate closes behind him? Will she be there waiting to find him? Will she have the key to unlock the cage he has built around his heart? Will she be strong enough to unlock his love? Will he be ready to open up? They've got their love on lock for now. They're just waiting for the clock to run down.