Friday, December 19, 2014

Ruffled Feathers

Sleepless nights, tired less fights. Hop on a plane and take a red eye flight. Out of sight, out of life. Out of range, out of mind. No communication. Cut all ties. Open your eyes, recognize your demise. Your disguise is transparent, your feast; bite size. Diminutive Franchise. A foundation based on all lies. No ties. Undo your panties from their knot and quit wasting time. You're a few levels down from CEO life. You're the smallest piece of the pie, no stock, no weight, no choice to your fate. You try and make feeble attempts to change minds, change outlooks, change lives but there is no honey in your hive. You're not the queen. You have no throne, no crown, no home, none to claim as your own. You're not welcome around here. I won't allow you to create fear, tear down dreams or cause tears. It's mind blowing how hard you try to have a say in what happens with mine. Try and ruffle my feathers one more time. You have lost your mind. Your opinions don't change a thing in my space and time. I don't make plans around yours but you're forced to make your plans around mine. My life, my time, my say, my way. My faith, my place, my namesake. You pay. That part you can take. Foot the bill, clean up the spills, swallow that jagged pill. No water, don't bother. Blowin smoke, don't choke. Ruffle my feathers? Not on your life. I handle mine and you just stay on your side. When you cry out you won't be acknowledged or heard. There is no sympathy for you here, no vacancy, no room. The point is you can try to be included all you like but you will always lose. He'll lie and you'll take his word. He'll do his dirt and you'll stick around for more hurt. Funny how you're always talking about trust but when it comes right down to it you have none. My faith and my belief are more powerful than you think. I can be like you in a wink. No trust. No love. No faith. No fun. Always worried. Never full. Something missing. Nothing is right. More sleepless nights more tired less fights. You're forgetting where I've been and how far away from that life I've come but the damage has already been done. I'm on a different path and I've been moving up since all of that. I can't turn back to revisit the past. If once you had a chance to redeem yourself that chance has passed. I won't explore the subject any farther than that but if you can live with what's been done then so can I. No harm done. I put it all in the sky. You will not ruffle my feathers, not one more time. 

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