Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Hi y'all. So I made it to an astonishing 5,500 views within a few weeks of hitting 5,000! I want to thank you all for the love and support. I can't believe my blogs spark so much interest and to know that a lot of the views are generated by returning viewers is just such an amazing feeling. I have gained so much confidence through seeing your views add up over these past few years. When I began the blog back in 2011 I never imagined it would manifest into what it has become today. I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately especially when it comes to what it is I want to pursue as a career and I've made the conclusion that I would like to begin the steps necessary to become a minister. I have found that with my faith in God and Jesus Christ my life has become clearer than it's ever been before. I know now that my gift for writing is a great platform to spread the word about Jesus and tell his story and make people aware of his promise. I am excited about where this journey will lead me and I am excited to know that I have people who will indirectly be taking it with me. I promise to never neglect you all. I will try my best to always keep this blog updated. I want to take a moment to outline what other social media pages I have and give you all a direct point of contact for me. I am a real person, I inhale and exhale just as you do. I am not shy at all so I ask that if any of you ever need a thing and it is within my power I will be here to help. You talk, I listen. So before I go any further here are all of my social media outlets:

My Blog: My Jumble:
Twitter: TxMolasses

I believe that's everything. I rarely change any of that information and I will always use the username txmolasses. My 1st book can be found by googling my Author name which is L. R. Sherrill or you can search by the title which is: "Short Stories & Poetry Worth a Dime" it is also available through the publisher's website: and can be found by searching with my Author name or the title of the book. I will continue to post updates about the upcoming book on here as well as most of my social media sites. I am just over the moon that so many people have taken an interest in my work. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I won't ever stop doing what it is I love and have a passion for. I am on this journey that I know is going to lead me to bigger and better things. Y'all are awesome and I wish the utmost blessings on you all. Keep reading! :)

Forever yours,
Linds aka Txmolasses

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