Saturday, May 2, 2015

You'll Never Know

I met you on purpose. 
It was not accidental that we crossed paths. 
God knew we would need each other before we ever exchanged names. 
There are billions of people in the World and you could never meet them all but out of billions to one another we were drawn. 
You came into my life in the perfect way and at the perfect time. 
Your words were spoken to me when no one else's would suffice. 
I can't tell you why but it was God's will to bring us together still. 
From the moment you walked in I felt your strong presence. 
Sometimes the things we feel don't make any sense. 
Even though I haven't known you very long we're connected by a bridge like two versus from one song.
You are very special to me now but it's something you'll never know. 
I cherish and treasure the day I met you even though there is no way to measure the amount of love I have for you. 
I believe that all along God always knew. 

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