Saturday, May 2, 2015

I'll see you in 10 days Chulo!

My baybee! It has been so long since we've seen each other last not counting the visit in 2014. I can't believe all this time has gone by and we can finally say, "I'll see you in 10 days!" Only 10 more days and I'll be wrapped up in your arms. No guards. No one around. Just you and I. Together at last. How did the time fly by so fast? We would have never known ten years ago that we would be 10 days away from starting our own real relationship. Not to say the past four years haven't been great but having a relationship from inside the gates is not the same thing. We will no longer be subjected to 15 minute phone calls, being cut off, not being able to completely open up and say what we want. We are in for a raw conversation in just 10 more days. Your birthday is coming up. I wish we could celebrate it out here together but knowing this is the last year I have to send you a gift is pretty awesome. This will be the last Mother's Day we have to spend apart too. I'll already be in the air on Mother's Day on my way to get you only 8 short days from now. I'll see you Tuesday afternoon and we'll spend the whole day together. I can't express how exciting that is for me. I can't put into words how I feel and I can't even imagine how you're feeling. After May 12th, 2015 both of our lives will change forever. Nothing will ever be the same and I will never lose you again. I can only hope and pray for the best outcome, that everything goes according to plan and that we make it safely to the mid-west to your fam. I know your family is ready and waiting and it's going to be quite the celebration. I'll be there to wipe your tears after you hug your mom and dad and I'll be by your side laughing along with you and your little brother's and their wives. I'll be there until it's time to say goodbye and even though we'll have to spend some more time apart at least I'll know we can call each other on the phone. We'll finally be able to start a normal relationship where we can talk and text everyday. We will be able to video chat and sooner than later we will all be enjoying another visit very soon. The kids will be out of school for the summer in June. If I can lock down a new job and get this child support situation handled then we should be able to head up there at some point this summer. The kids are dying to see you and they absolutely can't wait until we are all finally together under the same roof. This is exciting news! The time has finally come. Are you ready for me because I'm ready for you? Just 10 more days to go until we'll finally be under the same sun and sleeping under the same moon. :) I certainly do love you! I certainly do. Bags are packed, flight is booked, the message you gave me is in the book. The days are set, the rental is booked! All that's left is waiting for you! See you soon. Be there or be square! I love you Mister Cartoon! I will see you there. 

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