Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I'm not alone anymore!!

Soooooo, last night Toon moved into the house!!! Finally. It feels like we've been waiting for this for way too long now but he's home and I couldn't be any happier. All of the sacrifice, all of the time I've spent waiting, all of my efforts to make a life for us here in Wisconsin finally feels worth it. I've put in a lot of tears making this enormous change in my life and my kids' lives. I know sometimes in life in order to get what you want you have to go through things that aren't easy or comfortable. Moving to Wisconsin has definitely been one of the hardest (if not the hardest) things I've ever gone through in my life. I hate it here. I can't stand the State. I hate the weather. I hate everything about being outside of Texas. Now that my baybee is under the same roof as I am I can't really complain about anything anymore. Now I have to put my money where my mouth is and focus on making our relationship a successful one. It's been bumpy since I got here but all I can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Life is what you make of it. I've lost touch with God and can admit that he is not/hasn't been the main focus in my life since I got here. I'm not proud of pushing God out of the picture especially now that I've got everything I asked him for. My man is with me, I'm healthy, my kids are healthy. They are happy at their schools. I have a great job, a warm place to live, food to eat. I have nothing to complain about. I am making it my mission to bring Christ back into our lives. Church has also taken a back seat but now that things are as they should have been a long time ago, I am going to  make an honest attempt to get my family back on track. God has never left my side through everything I've been through these past few months. He is the reason why everything has fallen into place and I give him all the credit. I am blessed beyond belief and I am happy in knowing that God continues to look out for me even when I am not seeking his grace. I love you God. I love you Jesus Christ. I love you Cartoon. I love you mom. I love you Juliette, Annalise, Gabriel, Douglas and Marali. I love all of my friends and supporters. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. May God continue to bless us and be with us always. I am looking so forward to seeing what the next few months will bring. I wish all of my readers a Happy Thanksgiving, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years! To all good things to come and not being alone anymore. :) I'm the happiest girl in the World.

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