Friday, August 25, 2017

Open your eyes

All I'll ever be to you is a deleted conversation. Temptation. A figment of your imagination. My heart hurts so damn bad right now because you just don't know what you mean to me and you never will. You evoke emotions in me that I've never felt. Why I care so much about you I will never know. You are nothing to me, you never were or would be. We were nothing. So what do you do when you see someone you love being trampled on? I have to sit back and watch a train wreck. You have never thought very highly of yourself have you? Why? Even now when I've tried to tell you how amazing you are you deny your own light. Why? It kills me to feel the sadness that emanates from within your spirit. I know the culprit and so do you but you just won't let go. I know why you stay, what is really important to you and what you focus your love on, that I can fully comprehend but I just can't agree with your decision to stay. You live in a toxicity that you've become immune to. It kills me as if I can feel your pain. You deserve so much better than what you've settled for but you refuse to swallow that pill. You won't ever become susceptible to the cure. You walk with your eyes to the ground instead of to the sky. You harbor resentment in your heart instead of pride. You hide your calloused heart from the world but I can see your soul. You're a perfect being created in his image yet you have let the serpent you share your bed with blind you from this fact. I knew it from 1st sight. You are more special to me than I could ever put into words and I will die with a pain in my heart because I already know what you will choose to decide. I plead with our Father to call you back to the light. You have such an immense, intense love awaiting your return. Come home. No matter what they will always be yours, you can't mask your heart from the innocent. Let go. Move forward. Free yourself from the serpent that is holding you back from living a full life. I beg you to accept your fate and recognize your worth. I love who you are. You stole my heart and now I can't get it back. Should you ever decide to leave the darkness and step into the light I will be waiting with open arms, hold you tight and never let you go because I know your worth.

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