Friday, September 1, 2017

One Last Time Before I Go

You walked in slow and set the tone. I've never wanted anything more. We've got our eyes locked on one another like heat seeking missiles. There is no one else on planet Earth except for you and I in this moment. I want you and you want me. Steam emanates from both of our cores. The energy is radiating in the room and our body heat begins to bloom. We are two magnets pulling one another closer and closer until we are face to face. I feel your breath on my neck as you lean in for a peck and I take in your intoxicating scent. Soap and cologne invade my senses and I'm flung into my sensual mood. Bliss becomes us as we begin to slowly embrace lips. The time slips through the cracks in the shades and we let our hands do the talking instead. We are like two mapless explorers, traversing one another like an uncharted new world. I want everything you have to give and you're so generous. I'm singing along to the melody of your song while your rhythm plays glorious beats beneath my fingertips. You devour my lips like the main course of a five star dish. Soft. Succulent. Sensational is how I would describe your body on mine. You let your light shine all over mine and we create blinding rays. I could ravage you for days and let you raid all of my reserves. A lover of the highest caliber, you deserve all of the best parts of me. Watching you walk out of the room sends a painful sting through me because I know I will never be able to enjoy you again. I just had to have you one last time before I go.  

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