Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Finally Us

First came his voice, smooth on the wire like velvet and silk. Next came his words, poured out over me like milk and sweet like honey. They were divine in a time of need when I had lost all hope in mankind. Men like him do exist. He is no unicorn and he is all mine, not yours. He moves me without one nudge. He turns me on without one touch. He opens me up like a book and studies my words. He reads me slow and recites me like a poem. There is no place like home. He understands me. He really sees me. Love is the rock upon which we are both standing. I knew from the beginning he would treat me different. I've never had trust like this. I've never questioned his true intentions. He says what he means and means what he says. When he said he loved me, he meant it. I don't question his motives. I believe God fashioned him from precious metals like gold and silver. He is my treasure. His faith drives his respect and patience. He leans on the gospel for understanding. He prays for me. He cares about my well-being. He encourages me to write, to sing, to read, and to be the best me. He says I'm perfect to which I don't agree but perfect for him I can be because he believes in me. When I gaze into his starry eyes, I want to get lost in his universe. His smile and laugh provoke me to dance with his tongue. His humor fills me with helium like a balloon and lifts me off the ground. His heart is as warming as a camp fire. His style is more charming than a sword drawn prince. He puts me in a trance with one glance. His stories are worth repeating. He made a non-believer believe. His strength pressed a piece of coal into a diamond. I've made a comfortable place for him to live in the confines of my heart. The space belongs to him. The same way my little finger longs for a band. When ever it happens, that will be the great crescendo of the first piece in our love's symphony. Chapter one will close with our first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Louis Vargas. Here is to him. The only man ever brave enough to come and rescue me from sure death. He ignites the love in me and God has blessed me for loving him unconditionally. Lastly, comes when I'm laying on his inviting chest, laughing about all the things we thought we had and lost, realizing what was missing the whole time was us. His wild heart will be safe in my hands and I will hold tight to it like reins and he will ride away into my captivating beauty when the sunset calls him home. 

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