Tuesday, November 20, 2018

You Don't Know Me

Of course not. Wanna know why? Because neither do I. Do you know who you really are? Why are you worried about me? God knows who I'm supposed to be. I am still becoming acquainted with who I am meant to be. So, to say you don't know me is a true statement. No one really knows who they are meant to be. We are born sinners. We are called to join Jesus and be redeemed. That's what is true to me. That is something I know for certain. That is my truth. So who I am. Who you don't know, is not important in the grand scheme of things. Do you get that? How can you call yourself a Christian but be so judgmental of the very people you're meant to lead to your beliefs? It's confusing to me. I can stare in the mirror. Change my hair. Put make-up on my face. I can change my weight. Make myself look a certain way. Then turn around and change it again. None of that defines who I am. You look at me through a screen, a magnifying lens, and think you know me. Have you dug deep and swam to the ocean floor of my sea? Have you walked in my shoes? Have you sung my blues? Have you fought the demons in my heart? Have you battled my flesh? You don't know me. You won't even try. You don't know me because you can't see past your own perception of who I am. You don't know really know yourself. Ask God to introduce you to the men and women he's called you to be instead of scrutinizing me. Have a real conversation with Jesus and ask him to walk with you instead of questioning my faith. I am content in my journey with him. As humans we will be persecuted for what we believe. I am not going to fall victim to your ways. The holy spirit dwells within me and that's all I need. I won't be mean. I won't judge you for turning your back to me. I can't hold grudges if I want Jesus to take those things for me. I am still getting to know my true self and God says that's ok. I can admit I am a constant work in progress. I invite you to meet her for yourself. No one is perfect except Jesus himself. Right now we are all strangers to our own hearts. Only God knows who we really are. Next time you are quick to judge, remind yourself who is in charge. 

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