Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Mother of Five

I haven't done this in quite some time, just write about what's on my mind. Today my oldest child turns 15. I am a mother of five and my 1st is not a baby anymore. She has grown into a beautiful, delicate rose. Each petal kissed by God. She is intelligent. She is caring. She is lovely to me. She is one of my closest friends and I am proud to call her mine. Juliette, my sweet Juliette. You are the angel that God sent to keep me safe. Ever since the day we met I've known no sweeter joy. It has been a pleasure raising you and growing up together. I remember our very 1st conversations, you were still living in my belly then. I knew you would be a treasure. I promised I wouldn't cry. I just love you so very very much. Words can't really tell. The important thing is you feel. I pray you feel the love I have for you and know it's real. I pray the same of our Heavenly Father above for you, to feel his glory and love and know it's true. He created every fiber of your being with his Love. Before you were ever mine, you were his. He knew how much joy your presence would shed on the World. Mine. His. I will love you forever and past the end of time. Should we ever have to part ways, just know that I had a stake in the vast land of your mind long ago and I've flown my flag on your heart for sometime now. You won't ever truly be alone. I am your mother but you are my home. When the day arrives that you decide it's time for you to roam I hope and pray you will be able to find your way back to me. Home.  

Je t'aime mon ange <3 i="">

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