Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Break down

She's such an emotional soul.
Some matters of the heart she just can't let go. 
Her heart suffers for the pain of others.
She feels the wrongs of the World. 
It's no wonder why she cries. 
Such a slippery slope.
She's constantly crawling up, even when she's sliding down.
She pours it out, even when no one pours it in. 
She won't ever give up hope. 
She knows that when she gives up, everything will stop.
She was born a fighter. 
She's stronger than anyone you've ever met.
Sometimes she loses sight of that.
She loses her way when her focus shifts.
She finds it increasingly difficult to free her mind.
Elusive butterfly. 
Fly by.
We only ever touch in passing.
Flashing lights capture smiles in moments we'll never get back.
Life is so precious but sometimes it takes tears to remind her of that. 

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