Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Burritos have a short shelf life

Have I not lost enough of myself already? I gave the rest to you, handed me over like it didn't matter. I trusted you would take care of what was left. It wasn't much but it was all I had to give. Now, there is nothing left. I have been stripped down to my core. You've left my soul exposed. I'll never be able to repair the holes. I have to leave the reparations to God because I feel hopeless. What did it all mean if it all turned into nothing? What did we take away from one another if we're leaving without each other? Life still makes sense but it feels like something is missing. I've loved and I've lost. I've been used before. I've been left for someone else a few times. I never imagined your name would be at the top of that list of men who hurt me. If I feel this way without you, how do you feel without me? You're not the only one who was confused. The difference is you got to choose. I was left with the raw end of the deal. Left, to be alone, without you. The one truth I tried to ignore but knew would catch up soon enough. I never had 100% confidence we'd make it to our happy ending. I don't hate you. I hope you know that you taught me a lot in the span of our short love. Endings aren't always happy, they aren't always climactic, sometimes there is not even a significant sign that you've reached the end, it just is. The end.

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