Monday, April 15, 2019

General Update 2019!!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!! Hehe. I GRADUATED Y'ALL!!!!! I AM A MASTER!!!!! =D So, yay for me. Before I get ahead of myself let me rewind a bit and take us back to the beginning of 2019, end of 2018. At the end of 2018 I thought I was losing it all. Stephen broke up with me, rent went up, I almost lost my job, I had to give up my race car, and things were just crappy. After January, everything happened so fast. It's crazy to think about what I've lost, what I've overcome, and what I've gained in these past few months. Stephen and I were still cool until we weren't. He chose a life with his bb moms (which is fine) but he made the decision to not be friends anymore. Diana and I are no longer friends. Dane is locked up until 2026 (unless he makes parole before then). Isaiah is in Houston now. :(  Mommy got a car! I got a brand new 2019 to go with my brand new 2019 Master's Degree!!! I get off paper next April!! After that I will be able to start my career and write more books. I will be able to move around. And hopefully God will put someone worthy of my heart in my path. I suppose everything has it's way of working out. I envisioned this time being different, celebrating it with different people. I thought I'd feel differently. Really, nothing has changed. I'm still grinding and hustlin for mine. I still have five mouths to feed. Rent to pay. Bills to manage. One thing that always remains constant is God. I give all the glory for my accomplishments, my trials, my triumphs, the lows, and the highs, and everything in between all to my heavenly Father above. God thank you so much for giving me a beautiful life. Thank you for my opportunities and experiences. Thank you for all of the people you have brought in and out of my life. I love them all. I pray the blessings continue to pour out over me, my children, my family, and everyone I love and care about. God bless us all. 

Happy 2019 y'all! There is no limit to greatness. I'm on mine. What are y'all doing? ;j 

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