Wednesday, August 26, 2020


You give me no credit. 
You never have. 
You've never given me any credit for the woman that I am. 
You give me no credit for my positive traits.
You decided your fate.
You've never credited me for all the pain that you caused. 
You give me no credit for all the pain that I've succumb. 
It's always either You, or I, or both who are numb. 
You've never wanted to give me credit for anything I've done.
You give me no credit for my accomplishments in life.
You simply can't see the good in me and open up your eyes.
You've never wanted to believe it's true; that I could be good too. 
You give me no credit for the loving mother that I am to our brood.
You think you have time to fix what you've broken in them.
You've never taken the time to get to know any of them long enough to know what to do.
You give me no credit for knowing way more than you.
You are rude.
You've never taken any type of responsibility for the damages you've caused.
You give me no credit for not calling the laws. 
You ripped our family apart. 
You've never been able to take accountability for that.
You give me no credit for not being mean. 
You can't even admit that you fucked up.
You've never been able to man the fuck up.
You give me absolutely NO credit for putting up with YOU for all this time. 
You are finally, utterly, completely, truly dismissed from OUR lives. 
No time for last good-byes. 
You just used your very last life. 

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