Saturday, May 23, 2015

My boyfriend's back and you're gna be in trouble!

                         (: He's here! He's here! My boyfriend's back! :) 

Well, he's not actually here but he's back and he's free! My honey finally came back to me after so many years. May 12th has come and gone and the past week and four days has been a delightful dream come true for us. I finally have my loony Toon back and this time there is no separating us. Nothing is going to come between us other than space and time. No more emails. No more 15 minute phone calls. No more snail mail. No more lonely nights. We have been on the phone more than two high school sweethearts back back in the days. A lot has changed in the way I see things these past 11 days. Now that we've had the chance to be physically in the other's presence I am seeing things completely different. I have the love of my life back in my life for good and all the things I said I wouldn't do are becoming all the very things I am looking forward to. I can't wait to start our lives together too. Waking up to his face every day and going to sleep hearing his beating heart beneath my cheek every night. He is more than I could have ever asked God for. God has blessed me beyond belief with this man. He can not be trumped. He can not be topped. He and I together can not be stopped. There is no comparison to the way he makes me feel. There is no one better for me than Cartoon and this I strongly believe that God himself already knew. It's all part of his plan. He brought me back to this wonderful man. He's caring, loving, funnier than anyone I know, romantic, sweet and can protect me when I'm weak. He is absolutely everything I thought he'd be and much much more. He's super responsible and ready and willing to take on the World. He can't wait to be a great father to my kids and I know they truly love him. It's almost like he never left. I can't wait to get closer to him and learn everything there is to know. I want to know what makes him tick. I want to know what makes him angry so I can learn how to calm him down. I want to know what makes him happy so I can always hold it down. I want to know what he wants out of life so I can build him up. I want to know what his fears and reservations are so I can shoot them down. I want to love him harder than anyone ever has and I know he will always love me back. If before now I thought I knew what love was I know now I was missing out. Cartoon is it for me and I won't ever let that go. He is my life, my World, my heart, my blood, my sun, my air, my moon, my stars, my universe, my galaxy. He will forever own all of me. I am completely his from the hair on top of my head to the souls of my feet and everything inside and in between. He has captured my heart and I will be sure to always treasure his. Toon is one of a kind and I'm still not sure how I was dealt his hand. I landed myself next to him and I can't thank God enough that he let me win. I feel like I won the jackpot of unlimited proportions. I've never been so sure about anything else since the day I was born. This man is definitely someone very special and I plan on using each and every single second finding out more and more reasons why. I love you baybee forever and forever and beyond our existences. You're from out of this world. Sooner than later we will have the opportunity to turn this distance into reminiscing. I can't be away from you for very much longer. It's only been 11 days but this feeling is getting stronger. Missing you now is way worse than when you were locked away. Knowing you're gaining your freedoms little by little every coming day is killing me because I can't be there with you. I want to be next to you when you're out roaming around and doing all the things you need to do. I want to be the one who takes you to get something to eat. I want to be the one who picks you up and drops you off. I can't stand knowing you're out there all alone. I want to feel your summer heat. I want to celebrate all of the little things. I want to be the one who is there for all of your firsts. I want to be there when you're thirsty to quench your thirst. I love you like nothing else I've ever felt. You warm my heart and make me melt. I can't imagine being away from you for more than 60 days! I promise you that when the time comes, I will be there next to you and all of this missing the other will finally be over with and through! You're all mine now Mister Cartoon. You're stuck, good luck finding the key to the cuffs. Besos baybee! ; *      

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Hi y'all. So I made it to an astonishing 5,500 views within a few weeks of hitting 5,000! I want to thank you all for the love and support. I can't believe my blogs spark so much interest and to know that a lot of the views are generated by returning viewers is just such an amazing feeling. I have gained so much confidence through seeing your views add up over these past few years. When I began the blog back in 2011 I never imagined it would manifest into what it has become today. I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately especially when it comes to what it is I want to pursue as a career and I've made the conclusion that I would like to begin the steps necessary to become a minister. I have found that with my faith in God and Jesus Christ my life has become clearer than it's ever been before. I know now that my gift for writing is a great platform to spread the word about Jesus and tell his story and make people aware of his promise. I am excited about where this journey will lead me and I am excited to know that I have people who will indirectly be taking it with me. I promise to never neglect you all. I will try my best to always keep this blog updated. I want to take a moment to outline what other social media pages I have and give you all a direct point of contact for me. I am a real person, I inhale and exhale just as you do. I am not shy at all so I ask that if any of you ever need a thing and it is within my power I will be here to help. You talk, I listen. So before I go any further here are all of my social media outlets:

My Blog: My Jumble:
Twitter: TxMolasses

I believe that's everything. I rarely change any of that information and I will always use the username txmolasses. My 1st book can be found by googling my Author name which is L. R. Sherrill or you can search by the title which is: "Short Stories & Poetry Worth a Dime" it is also available through the publisher's website: and can be found by searching with my Author name or the title of the book. I will continue to post updates about the upcoming book on here as well as most of my social media sites. I am just over the moon that so many people have taken an interest in my work. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I won't ever stop doing what it is I love and have a passion for. I am on this journey that I know is going to lead me to bigger and better things. Y'all are awesome and I wish the utmost blessings on you all. Keep reading! :)

Forever yours,
Linds aka Txmolasses

Saturday, May 2, 2015

You'll Never Know

I met you on purpose. 
It was not accidental that we crossed paths. 
God knew we would need each other before we ever exchanged names. 
There are billions of people in the World and you could never meet them all but out of billions to one another we were drawn. 
You came into my life in the perfect way and at the perfect time. 
Your words were spoken to me when no one else's would suffice. 
I can't tell you why but it was God's will to bring us together still. 
From the moment you walked in I felt your strong presence. 
Sometimes the things we feel don't make any sense. 
Even though I haven't known you very long we're connected by a bridge like two versus from one song.
You are very special to me now but it's something you'll never know. 
I cherish and treasure the day I met you even though there is no way to measure the amount of love I have for you. 
I believe that all along God always knew. 

I'll see you in 10 days Chulo!

My baybee! It has been so long since we've seen each other last not counting the visit in 2014. I can't believe all this time has gone by and we can finally say, "I'll see you in 10 days!" Only 10 more days and I'll be wrapped up in your arms. No guards. No one around. Just you and I. Together at last. How did the time fly by so fast? We would have never known ten years ago that we would be 10 days away from starting our own real relationship. Not to say the past four years haven't been great but having a relationship from inside the gates is not the same thing. We will no longer be subjected to 15 minute phone calls, being cut off, not being able to completely open up and say what we want. We are in for a raw conversation in just 10 more days. Your birthday is coming up. I wish we could celebrate it out here together but knowing this is the last year I have to send you a gift is pretty awesome. This will be the last Mother's Day we have to spend apart too. I'll already be in the air on Mother's Day on my way to get you only 8 short days from now. I'll see you Tuesday afternoon and we'll spend the whole day together. I can't express how exciting that is for me. I can't put into words how I feel and I can't even imagine how you're feeling. After May 12th, 2015 both of our lives will change forever. Nothing will ever be the same and I will never lose you again. I can only hope and pray for the best outcome, that everything goes according to plan and that we make it safely to the mid-west to your fam. I know your family is ready and waiting and it's going to be quite the celebration. I'll be there to wipe your tears after you hug your mom and dad and I'll be by your side laughing along with you and your little brother's and their wives. I'll be there until it's time to say goodbye and even though we'll have to spend some more time apart at least I'll know we can call each other on the phone. We'll finally be able to start a normal relationship where we can talk and text everyday. We will be able to video chat and sooner than later we will all be enjoying another visit very soon. The kids will be out of school for the summer in June. If I can lock down a new job and get this child support situation handled then we should be able to head up there at some point this summer. The kids are dying to see you and they absolutely can't wait until we are all finally together under the same roof. This is exciting news! The time has finally come. Are you ready for me because I'm ready for you? Just 10 more days to go until we'll finally be under the same sun and sleeping under the same moon. :) I certainly do love you! I certainly do. Bags are packed, flight is booked, the message you gave me is in the book. The days are set, the rental is booked! All that's left is waiting for you! See you soon. Be there or be square! I love you Mister Cartoon! I will see you there.