Wednesday, March 29, 2017


What must we sacrifice to be free?
How long must we stay awake before we can start to live in a dream?
I've heard that love doesn't cost a thing. What about being happy?
Do we have to give up part of ourselves to truly fall in love?
Do love and happiness go hand in hand?
How many losses must we withstand before completely giving up?
I've heard the importance is in the race and not the win. Why race to begin with?
Do we believe in perfection?
Do time and energy spent fortify a relationship?
How can we be locked in without feeling trapped?
I've heard all a caged bird really wants is to fly free. Why clip their wings?
Do we need love or is it an instinctual want?
Do pain and perseverance symbolize triumph?
How can we show remorse for sin while continually committing it?
I've heard of a place where adulterers, rapists and murderers are washed clean and forgiven. Did they repent?
Do we believe in promises?
Do faith and trust conquer temptation and sin?
How can the disloyal honor God when Satan is always preying on the weak?
I've heard talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. Which way are we going to go?
What path are we going to walk? Straight and narrow or crooked and cross.
What must we sacrifice to be freed?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Beautiful Mess

What a beautiful mess we have created. We both know what it feels to be hated. Hell froze over so we went ice skating. No one was invited so we met somewhere in the middle. Honey mustard and red lips did him in. We stopped fighting the impossible current and let go. We embraced for the first time beneath the moonlight and life as we knew it ended that night. He kissed her then and drenched her in him and she soaked him in. We fell together and refused to get back up again. Lyrics and hazel eyes did her in. Leaving your side is the worst part when you make me so warm. We swept the dirt from the outside world under the rug. They give shoulder shrugs and "I don't give a fucks!" because what they share can't be mocked or undone. Sometimes it's easier to forget the obstacles we have in front of us and just suck face. Who needs drugs with kisses like we have? My current favorite place is your face, your embrace, laying on the blanket of air that is your chest. Hearing your heartbeat beneath my cheek. Life isn't always fair. Guidelines are often lost, boundaries crossed. You are the flame to my moth. You are fire and I am ice and when we make love steam envelopes us. Why would we agree to ever give this up? I don't want to give you up. I can't agree with what the world tells us. The word wrong is so harsh. Our time might as well be a dream since our reality is a nightmare. There is so much static in the air. Refusing to hear the noise of our undeniable disaster the channel between us is somehow so clear. People will always have their strong opinions on what they should and should not do. They will never coincide with our feelings. All I want is you. I know you want me too. You make that evident in what you do. When there is never anything better to do, there will always be you. Romance is our perfume. Playlists playing in the back ground as our story plays out. Flowers on her counter. You are day. You are night. You are the space between the shade and the light. You are so wrong. You are so right. You are the reason for hope in some truth. You've resuscitated me, spoke breath into my cold, cavernous existence. She feels your vibrance. Craves your enigmatic energy. How did you know I needed saving? Your timing is impeccable. Don't ever say you're dragging me down. In this detestable situation you keep me afloat. I want to tell you it will get easier but we both know that's not the truth. He makes her happy. Is that not enough? Leave them alone. The harm has been done. The lines have been drawn. Our abyss has morphed into a black hole. They've embarked on a journey life presented them. To turn back now and pretend it never happened would cause them to crash and fall into oblivion. She refuses to deny her feelings for him. He refuses to change his future for her. They are trying to convince one another that walking on razors doesn't hurt. We will endure and overcome what ever is thrown at us. I won't give you up. I won't back down. I won't let you go unless you untie the rope. I can't imagine life without you now. They're in way too deep and it feels so wonderful. Too good to ever get dressed. I'm anxious to see what comes next. In such an ugly world they are perfectly content to stay together in their beautiful mess.   

Thursday, March 23, 2017

All the Smiles =]

I catch myself daydreaming about us. Grinning uncontrollably. You have obtained this power over me. It makes me incessantly happy. You put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on my heart. You noticed it was shattered so you brought with you some tools and extra parts. The jagged pieces of my broken heart create a hazardous danger zone, yet here you are unaffected, unafraid to enter into the unknown. You are one brave soul. I feel like you are content to be in this abyss with me. A change of scenery from the monotony. It's as if we are floating aimlessly together careful not to drift too far apart. Everything you say and word out of your mouth speaks directly to my heart. I know you don't believe me when I say, "I've never felt this way before." but it's true. There are so very many things I want to do with/to you. You've been flooding my thoughts on the daily. You somehow make the time pass slowly and quickly. You have this uncanny ability to make me nervous, anxious, forgetful, shy and unsure. Then you take me into your arms, run your fingers through my hair, kiss me ever so gently and all of the sudden all of my reservations disappear. I don't know how you so easily put me at ease. I can't say for certain why you make me feel so secure. I'm staring these raw emotions in the face. They test me every day and get me going back and forth about what's right and wrong. It can be argued that what we are up to is not right but I'd like to think leaving each other now is completely wrong. You give me something I've never had before. You make me feel so good. You give me hope that living this life of mine is not all bad. When all I've ever experienced is darkness why would I shy away from your light? You've got me fully intrigued. You've got my undivided attention. I want to keep this moving. I want to see where we are heading. I need you in my life without question. If all that ever comes of this is a divine disaster at least we know we endured it in a positively enthralling laughter. If nothing else, we will share all the smiles forever. I hope you're smiling now. ;j

C'est La Vie

How are you ever supposed to trust anyone when everyone you've ever trusted has pulled the rug from under your feet? How do you look forward to your future when you can't let go of the past? How can you mend your broken heart when you don't know how long the pain and suffering will last? When you take a step forward and fall two steps back, how do you convince yourself to keep walking the same path? To be unsure is to endure, never knowing your next move. Learning as you go, taking away from all of your mistakes. Loving through the pain. Trusting in vain. Feeling the pulse when you feel dead. Seeing things for what they really are. Seeing people for who they truly are. Passing up the easy way out for the reward. What are trials and tribulations without their testimonies? What are opportunities without their experiences? How could you ever recognize positivity without the negative counterpart? How would you realize you were in the light without the dark? Fear is a learned emotion, we were all born fearless. It is the things we go through from birth that allows fear to manifest and grow. Fear of the physical realm as well fear of other emotions we feel. Life in itself is a danger zone, danger around every turn. Does this mean we should stay still? Does a stagnant existence ensure resistance from bad things happening? Would I be safer to never take another chance? I don't ever want to live like that. Chance after chance have blown up in my face but I still stand on my own two feet today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Life plays wicked tricks. People throw stones and sticks. Fear is relentless. Love is a trivial game. As long as I am alive I will continue and save.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Never Mined

She never could've imagined someone like him would give her his time. He paid attention, took note, tested the waters then dove in. She knew who he could be from the beginning. He radiated a special kind of energy. He noticed her too but not in that way at first. It took months for them to realize they were on the same page. Now they are both in a trance, dancing in the shadows. Swimming in shark-infested waters, bleeding for one another. They are fiends for the other's flesh. They question if it is possible for two souls to have met in the past. They are unequivocally connected, intertwined beyond any form of measure. He craves her and she him. Every second spent apart is harder to bear than the last. She falls asleep with his face in her head and wakes with his smile on her mind. Time doesn't exist when they are together and when they leave one another they spend their time counting down the seconds until they again will be next to each other. It's an insatiable yearning neither can quench at the moment and possibly for the rest of all time. For my sunshine. I have fallen into an abyss of intestine knotting bliss where only the flutterflies can live. If this is trouble, count me in. Can't wait for you to hold me again. xx

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

All Day

"Losin Control" Russ

[Hook x2:]
She's fallin' in love now
Losin' control now
Fightin' the truth
Tryin' to hide
But I think it's alright girl
Yeah, I think it's alright girl

She's falling but she doesn't think he'll catch her
Cause her last relationship was a disaster
Accusations everyday she didn't know why
All her calls would be ignored he's on his own time
Shoulda' ended it before it started
All she ever got was broken hearted
He was cheating on her tryna' flip it
Back on her like a victim
Now she's all alone and starting over
Now she's got baggage on her shoulder
But the new guy really loves her
She loves him but she doesn't trust herself anymore

[Hook x2:]
She's fallin' in love now
Losin' control now
Fightin' the truth
Tryin' to hide
But I think it's alright girl
Yeah, I think it's alright girl

Despite her past she can't help the attraction
He tells her that he's nothing like the last one
He redefines in every way what love is
She fell for him and hasn't gotten' up since
Every now and then she goes off though
Beating on his chest like a bongo
He understands she's coming from a hurt place
Answers all the questions on her survey
Doesn't get jealous, doesn't break trust
Doesn't call a hoe after hang ups
Gives her everything she ever wanted
And even though she still feels haunted

[Hook x2:]
She's fallin' in love now
Losin' control now
Fightin' the truth
Tryin' to hide
But I think it's alright girl
Yeah, I think it's alright girl